Tahm Kench TFT
Latest meta trends for best team comps, champions, items, synergies, and augments.
Data analytics of Tahm Kench TFT Set - Tahm Kench tft stats and abilities with best items, and recommended team comps. - TFT.OP.GG
Tahm Kench
- Avg. place
- 4.25
- 1st place
- 13.91%
- Top 4 rate
- 54.74%
- Games
- 618,312
- Health
- 1100 / 1980 / 4064
- Attack Damage
- 70 / 105 / 158
- 39 / 58 / 87
- Attack Range
- Attack Speed
- 0.55
- Armor
- 60
- Magic Resist
- 60
Divination Dive
Active80 / 180
Dive underground and surface next to the closest enemy. Send out a shockwave towards the farthest enemy within 4 hexes. Enemies within 2 hexes or hit by the shockwave take [ 155 / 249 / 1203 ] () magic damage and are Stunned for [ 1.75 / 2 / 8 ] seconds.
Recommend Items
# | Items | Avg. place | Top 4 rate | 1st place | Games |
1 | Gargoyle Stoneplate | #4.21 | 55.37% | 14% | 100,124 |
2 | Warmog's Armor | #3.98 | 59.83% | 16.35% | 73,647 |
3 | Redemption | #3.9 | 61.51% | 16.95% | 51,439 |
4 | Dragon's Claw | #4.08 | 58.38% | 14.13% | 50,534 |
5 | Sunfire Cape | #3.88 | 61.86% | 16.74% | 44,857 |
Item Build
# | Items | Avg. place | Top 4 rate | 1st place | Games |
1 | #3.85 | 63.11% | 17.8% | 3,091 | |
2 | #4.17 | 56.17% | 13.25% | 2,982 | |
3 | #4.26 | 54.25% | 11.98% | 2,428 | |
4 | #3.85 | 63.19% | 17.38% | 1,502 | |
5 | #4.15 | 57.67% | 13.78% | 1,454 |