Syndra TFT
Latest meta trends for best team comps, champions, items, synergies, and augments.
Data analytics of Syndra TFT Set - Syndra tft stats and abilities with best items, and recommended team comps. - TFT.OP.GG
- Avg. place
- 4.55
- 1st place
- 11.39%
- Top 4 rate
- 49.14%
- Games
- 199,244
- Health
- 550 / 990 / 1782
- Attack Damage
- 35 / 53 / 79
- 26 / 39 / 59
- Attack Range
- Attack Speed
- 0.75
- Armor
- 20
- Magic Resist
- 20
Active0 / 60
Conjure a rift on the target that deals [ 220 / 330 / 495 ] () magic damage and 20% Shreds for 6 seconds. This ability upgrades the more it is cast. (Total Casts: 3 casts)
15 Casts: Enemies adjacent to the target are Shredded and take [ 110 / 165 / 245 ] () magic damage.
30 + Casts: For every 30 casts, create an additional rift on a nearby enemy that deals 30% damage.
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist
Recommend Items
# | Items | Avg. place | Top 4 rate | 1st place | Games |
1 | Spear of Shojin | #4.43 | 51.39% | 12.1% | 51,729 |
2 | Nashor's Tooth | #4.34 | 53.32% | 12.57% | 27,666 |
3 | Jeweled Gauntlet | #4.42 | 51.47% | 11.92% | 26,074 |
4 | Guinsoo's Rageblade | #4.48 | 50.58% | 11.32% | 22,446 |
5 | Archangel's Staff | #4.35 | 52.96% | 11.23% | 14,470 |
Item Build
# | Items | Avg. place | Top 4 rate | 1st place | Games |
1 | #4.15 | 56.43% | 15.5% | 5,855 | |
2 | #4.49 | 50.1% | 11.94% | 5,285 | |
3 | #4.26 | 54.74% | 12.81% | 1,585 | |
4 | #4.27 | 53.8% | 12.58% | 942 | |
5 | #3.87 | 59.98% | 16.59% | 866 |