Kog'Maw TFT
Latest meta trends for best team comps, champions, items, synergies, and augments.
Data analytics of Kog'Maw TFT Set - Kog'Maw tft stats and abilities with best items, and recommended team comps. - TFT.OP.GG
- Avg. place
- 4.35
- 1st place
- 10.97%
- Top 4 rate
- 53.65%
- Games
- 348,006
- Health
- 550 / 990 / 1782
- Attack Damage
- 55 / 83 / 124
- 41 / 62 / 93
- Attack Range
- Attack Speed
- 0.75
- Armor
- 20
- Magic Resist
- 20
Hive Ooze
Active15 / 75
Launches a honey wad through the current target, dealing [ 154 / 231 / 347 ] () physical damage to enemies hit. Adjacent allies and allies hit by the trail are set abuzz, gaining [ 20 / 25 / 30 ]% () Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
Recommend Items
# | Items | Avg. place | Top 4 rate | 1st place | Games |
1 | Infinity Edge | #4.07 | 59.14% | 12.6% | 73,047 |
2 | Spear of Shojin | #3.99 | 60.38% | 14.04% | 63,166 |
3 | Guinsoo's Rageblade | #4.19 | 56.87% | 10.53% | 59,688 |
4 | Last Whisper | #3.99 | 60.81% | 12.96% | 57,812 |
5 | Giant Slayer | #3.9 | 62.53% | 14.15% | 26,499 |
Item Build
# | Items | Avg. place | Top 4 rate | 1st place | Games |
1 | #3.76 | 65.79% | 14.57% | 11,809 | |
2 | #3.86 | 63.72% | 12.93% | 3,384 | |
3 | #3.82 | 63.75% | 13.96% | 2,321 | |
4 | #3.56 | 68.33% | 15.15% | 1,880 | |
5 | #3.52 | 69.8% | 19.94% | 1,595 |