Diana TFT
Latest meta trends for best team comps, champions, items, synergies, and augments.
Data analytics of Diana TFT Set - Diana tft stats and abilities with best items, and recommended team comps. - TFT.OP.GG
- Avg. place
- 3.78
- 1st place
- 18.34%
- Top 4 rate
- 63.73%
- Games
- 459,781
- Health
- 1200 / 2160 / 7888
- Attack Damage
- 60 / 90 / 135
- 51 / 77 / 115
- Attack Range
- Attack Speed
- 0.85
- Armor
- 60
- Magic Resist
- 60
Active40 / 120
Dash within 2 hexes to hit the most enemies possible and heal for [ 200 / 250 / 3000 ] () . Excess healing becomes a 3 second Shield. Then, deal [ 380 / 570 / 9001 ] () magic damage to adjacent enemies and [ 170 / 255 / 9000 ] () magic damage to enemies 2 hexes away.
Every [ 2 / 2 / 1 ] casts create a snowfall that Chills all enemies and heals all allies for[ 150 / 200 / 1500 ] () over 3 seconds. Excess healing also becomes a 3 second Shield.
Chill: Reduce Attack Speed by 20%
Every [ 2 / 2 / 1 ] casts create a snowfall that Chills all enemies and heals all allies for
Recommend Items
# | Items | Avg. place | Top 4 rate | 1st place | Games |
1 | Bloodthirster | #3.59 | 67% | 21.05% | 64,252 |
2 | Ionic Spark | #3.29 | 73.43% | 23% | 41,719 |
3 | Crownguard | #3.24 | 73.76% | 24.3% | 41,492 |
4 | Hand Of Justice | #3.45 | 70.11% | 21.68% | 40,139 |
5 | Titan's Resolve | #3.6 | 66.88% | 20.55% | 31,293 |
Item Build
# | Items | Avg. place | Top 4 rate | 1st place | Games |
1 | #3.08 | 77.49% | 25.7% | 1,427 | |
2 | #3.55 | 68.41% | 19.7% | 1,147 | |
3 | #3.64 | 66.8% | 19.26% | 607 | |
4 | #3.28 | 75.22% | 23.69% | 562 | |
5 | #3.39 | 71.51% | 22.16% | 557 |